Travel Japan Tips: Airport Advice!


Last minute need to know

Last minute need to know

Chances are, you're very prepared for your trip to Japan. Still, I'm sure you're worried that you may be forgetting something essential. Remembering what to bring is a challenge for some, but there's always the airport to pick up any last minute forgotten items. Still, we here at Japan Deluxe Tours have a few suggestions on how to spend those last forty-five minutes before you board your flight on the plane!

  1. Buy Drinks While you may be spending more than you'd like, a flight to Japan from LAX is almost always 12 hours. Yes you'll get some complimentary beverages, but it doesn't hurt to have a soda or something on hand in case you didn't bring a water bottle to refill at the airport.
  2. Snacks Piggy-backing off of the first suggestion, snacks and other little munchies to enjoy during the flight is a solid plan. Also, pack gum for take-off to help avoid the pain when your ears pop!
  3. Eye-masks Unless you already own one, it doesn't hurt to pick up one of these bad boys to put over your eyes when you want some sleep.
  4. Magazines The alternate to spending money for wi-fi on the plan to read articles on your smart phone, pick up a magazine to read during your flight!
  5. Exercise Given that you have a 12 hour ride ahead, be sure to stretch your legs and arms before boarding, and to stretch every couple hours on the flight while you're at it.

Yes these are common tips you probably expected to read, but there's a reason for that. Sometimes we forget the essentials, heck I forgot my charger cable on my last Japan trip. Don't be like me and be prepared!

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