Travel Japan: Nomihoudai


Bottomless Booze!

Bottomless Booze!

Nothing beats the flavor of a refreshing, cold beer after a long, hard day. Granted, when that day is in the brutal heat of summer, that cold beer tastes that much better. Friendly bit of advice for all you who love to drink (and don't have a problem), may I recommend an All-you-can-drink-bar experience? It's exactly as the name sounds, bars that offer a limitless amount of servings for a set price and time limit. It's a great system for the social drinker looking to have fun with friends after a tough week in the office.

While in Shibuya, I was fortunate enough to hit up one of these bars with a close friend. We opted for a Ping-Pong/Gaming bar that offered all you can drink for 5,500 Yen, plus access to all the video games, board games, and ping pong table. The hour was well spent, with each of us getting about 5-6 drinks. Throw in all the fun we had playing retro games like the original Super Smash and Mario-Kart, it was pure heaven. If you got a night out in Tokyo, search for an All-you-can-drink-bar for a night of fun and delicious beers and cocktails!

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