Travel Japan: Hachiko Statue Meet up!


Shibuya's Iconic Landmark

Shibuya's Iconic Landmark

Maybe it's different for you, but whenever I plan a vacation, I always make sure to include time to visit anyone who happens to live where I'm going. For example, while I may never have family from the UK, I plan on meeting up with some college friends if I ever go. Likewise, when I go to Tokyo to see the sights and see some old friends, I make sure to set an easy landmark to meet at. If you plan on meeting up in Shibuya, word to the wise is to use the Hachiko Statue as your meet-up landmark.

Why the Hachiko statue you might ask? Well, even though many people use it as a landmark to meet up, it works surprisingly well. The space around the statue is pretty open, which allows for many people to easily gather in front. This may not sound that ideal, but you're bound to find the statue with minimal difficulty. With all the space and the statues relatively short distance to the station exit, Hachiko is a great meeting spot for those who plan on seeing someone while in Tokyo!

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