Travel Japan: Kit-Kat Collecting


Chocolate Souvenirs

Chocolate Souvenirs

Japan has no shortage of awesome things to entertain tourists and locals alike. One of my favorite things in Japan are the snacks, especially the chocolates. To be fair, the United States has hundreds of incredible chocolates to choose from, but when you take an American favorite like Kit-Kat's and introduce them to Japan, you get something even more incredible.



As you can see to the right, Japan has a variety of Kit-Kat flavors. These are Sake, Japanese Pepper, and Cheesecake flavors of the popular chocolate treat. Japan has over forty-five flavors to choose from, including popular choices like: Green Tea, Grilled Potato, Soy Sauce, Fruit Parfait, Cherry Blossom, and more. I casually collect but it's difficult when they're so dang tasty.

It's also pretty delicious to top ice cream with a Kit-Kat if you're feeling adventurous.

Flavors of Japan

Flavors of Japan

It may sound absurd, but these Kit-Kats are more than just a sweet treat in Japan. While some flavors have earned a permanent stay on the flavors list, most of these are seasonal products that are only around for a limited time. They celebrate the rich culture of Japan by releasing the flavors in line with the season for the perfect experience. For example, the Cherry Blossom Kit-Kats are only available during the Hanami or Cherry Blossom Viewing season. Likewise, some of the flavors listed above were only released for summer. Nestle Japan takes popular inspirations of our favorite snacks, like grilled sweet potatoes or white peach, and puts those into their chocolates. It's these special touches taken that allows anyone to share Japan's flavors with their friends. Next time you're in Japan on a Japan Tour, why not buy a couple bags or two for your friends?

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