Tuna Auction Tour is Open for Business


Join Our Tsukiji Auction Tours

Join Our Tsukiji Auction Tours

By popular demand, we have Tsukiji Tuna Auction as an optional tour for…..FREE! Though it starts at 4 am, this district is buzzing with life and activities distributing fishes to all the sushi shops in Tokyo. It’s the biggest fish market in the world selling more than 2,000 tons of fish per day. The Tuna Auction is the highlight for this area and limited to only 120 spectators per day. In particular days, the amount of people lining up to see the auction exceeds the queue. On Sundays, the auction is close. Therefore, we cannot guarantee spots but we try to organize people in different days to have the best probability for admittance. You cannot miss this cultural experience and see first-hand how fish get from the sea to your dinner plate. NOM NOM!

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