Understanding traditional Japanese culture: All about kado and ikebana


Understanding traditional Japanese culture: All about kado and ikebana

Understanding traditional Japanese culture: All about kado and ikebana

Kado, which translates to the way of the flower, is a traditional art of arranging flowers that took root in Japan in the 16th century. Today, it's most commonly referred to as "ikebana," and many different styles of it have evolved over the years.

As is true of all other arts, ikebana is creative expression within certain rules of construction, states Ikebana International, a non-profit cultural organization based in Tokyo. Its materials are living branches, leaves, grasses and blossoms. Its heart is the beauty resulting from color combinations, natural shapes, graceful lines and the meaning latent in the total form of the arrangement. Ikebana is, therefore, much more than mere floral decoration.

The source notes that even as the world has changed and areas that were once full of natural beauty have evolved into urban landscapes, Japanese people have maintained a spiritual connection with nature. Ikebana gives them a chance to tap into this connection and create meaningful art that is representative of it.

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