Udo Jingu


Miyazaki Udo Jingu | Luck for Pregnancy, Childbirth, and Nursing

Miyazaki Udo Jingu | Luck for Pregnancy, Childbirth, and Nursing

Udo Jingu is a Shinto shrine located on the Nichinan Coast of Miyazaki, dedicated to Yamasachihiko. Yamasachihiko is the mythical first Emperor of Japan and the father of Emperor Jimmu. Located on the coast, Udo Jingu has a spectacular view overlooking the ocean. Another great part of its construction is that the shrine is built inside a cave; visitors will find themselves in a shrine in a cave. The cave has a legend of the breast shaped rocks which are believed to have nourished Emperor Jimmu. Today many visit Udo Jingu for these rocks that are now believed to bring good luck for pregnancy, childbirth, and nursing.

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